Fairbanks Breastfeeding Coalition
Welcome to the Fairbanks Breastfeeding Coalition!
Our local coalition operates as a subcommittee of the
Alaska Breastfeeding Coalition. We strive to support, protect, educate, and advocate for breastfeeding in our local community.
Ways To Be Involved
Monthly Coalition Meetings:
2nd Tuesday Monthly
12-1 pm
The Fairbanks Breastfeeding Coalition meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Meetings are currently being held via zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Content varies between planning for local breastfeeding related events and breastfeeding continuing education. For more information, or a zoom invitation to join us, contact Laura Kolasa at 907-347-8656 or laurajkolasa@gmail.com
Fairbanks Baby Café:
5:30 - 7:30 pm
at the Fairbanks Children's Museum
BabyCafé is back to in-person meetings! Join us on Monday evenings, 5:30 - 7:30 pm at the Fairbanks Children's Museum at 302 Cushman Street Ste 101, Fairbanks AK 99701.
Download the BabyCafé flier here!
For questions or more information, please email fairbanksbabycafe@gmail.com.
Parent Pit Stop:
Annually at the Tanana Valley State Fair
The Fairbanks Breastfeeding Coalition organizes and hosts a booth at the Tanana Valley State Fair each year in collaboration with the Lion’s Club and other local sponsors. This booth offers a safe and clean space for feeding and diapering infants and young children. It is also an opportunity to share breastfeeding information and local resources to support families with young children in our community. Stay tuned for information on how you can volunteer to sign up for a 3 hour shift to staff this booth during the fair.
2017 - 2021
This art show had its roots in Fairbanks. We were honored to host the art show for the first four years in our community. We now offer organizational support as the art show moves from community to community around Alaska each spring. We are always excited to help distribute the annual poster selected during the show to be displayed throughout our community.
The Alaska Breastfeeds Art Show is on indefinite hiatus as of 2022.
World Breastfeeding Week:
August 1 - 7
Each year we partner with local agencies and participate in activities such as The Big Latch On to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in August. Check back on ways to engage during the 2021 event.

Contact Us:
Laura Kolasa is the current facilitator of the Fairbanks Breastfeeding Coalition.
Please contact laurajkolasa@gmail.com for further information about our coalition.
Big Latch On 2019
Alaska Breastfeeds Art Show
Parent Pit Stop