The Alaska Breastfeeding Coalition strives to Inspire, Empower and Support Alaskan Families across the state to achieve their Breastfeeding goals through Education, Advocacy, and Systematic changes.
2015 Alaska Breastfeeds Art Show juror Somer Hahm
Kyna Moser - May Day March
Solstice Rose Adair - Nursing Mermaid
Soren-Rain Adair - Tripple Booberry
Soren-Rain Adair - Booby Brothers
Sasha Gorda - Mother and Child
Sarah Lewis - Untitled
Piroska Gorog - Untitled
Laura Kolasa - Symbol of Love
Laura Hughes - untitled
Laura Hughes - Second Place
Dancing Feather Adair - Roobix Boob
Emme Mitchell - Spirit Mother and Moon Baby
Dancing Feather Adair - Self-Portrait
Blue-River Adair - Milky Way
Dancing Feather Adair - Moter-er's Milk is Best
Craig Cheledinas - The Naturalness and Beauty of Breastfeeding